Ms. J. Kim's 6th Grade Math & Science Class
- Course Description:
Math: Focus will be on understanding the concept of ratio and reason with ratio, applying and extending previous understandings of multiplication and division to divide fractions by fractions, computing fluently with multi-digit numbers, understandings of numbers to the system of rational number, understanding of arithmetic to algebraic expressions, reasoning about and solving one-variable equations and inequalities, representing and analyzing quantitative relationships between dependent and independent variables, developing understanding of statistical variability, summarizing and describing distributions, and solving real world and mathematical problems involving area, surface area, and volume.
Science: Focus will be on Microbiome, Metabolism, Traits and reproduction, Thermal energy, Ocean-Atmosphere-and Climate, Weather pattern, and Earth’s changing Climate.
- Learning and Information Platforms: Zoom, Google Classroom, Schoology, and
Zoom: It’s extremely important that students attend every Zoom session. We have less days to learn the material. It can be done but everyday is critical to learn. Students are asked to join each session with their video cameras on them so we know it’s you and your mics OFF.
Google Classroom: This is where I will be uploading assignments along with my website and Schoology.
Ms. J. Kim’s Website/Schoology: This is where all the information you will need for your lessons. You can always feel free to e-mail me at for any questions or concerns.
- Homework Policy:
Homework in Ms. J. Kim’s class is usually what the students have not finished in class that day. It is the student and the parent’s responsibility to check the student’s agenda book on a daily basis to confirm that the student has finished their work for the day. PHONE CALLS/ TEXT MESSAGE MAY BE MADE /SENT DIRECTLY TO THE PARENTS ON THE DAYS THAT THEIR CHILD DECIDES NOT TO TURN IN THEIR HOMEWORK (Please notify me in advance if you do not want to receive any phone calls from me). Late class work and homework will be accepted for excused absences only. Please remember that missing assignments will negatively affect the student’s academic grade.
- Grading:
100%-90% | 89%-80% | 79%-70% | 69%-50% | Below 50% |
A | B | C | D | F |
- Work Habits Policy:
- Cooperation Policy:
As sixth grade students, everyone in Ms. Kim’s class is expected to behave like a responsible and respectful ladies and gentlemen. Please be Safe, be Respectful, and be Responsible. The four “must follow rules” in Ms. Kim’s virtual classes are:
- Do not be late (punctuality is a good asset)
- Do your homework (Phone calls will be made immediately upon missing homework)
- No attitude (I will be respectful to you and you do the same. SIMPLE)
- No food during Zoom session